something that brings warmth to my heart
I made this for my baby. It reminded me of some things i have to get done: laundry, dishes, but also of the more productive and spiritually uplifting things. Like hitting up the ol' cubase sequencer and loading up some drum machine program. Learning languages. Being fiercer in my resistance of 'the man.' Exercising.
There was an interesting article published online at, the best in science journalism, which discusses a gene therapy discovered to eliminate laziness in primates (monkeys specifically in this experiment).
"The gene knockdown triggered a remarkable transformation in the simian work ethic," says Barry Richmond of the National Institute of Mental Health in Bethesda, Maryland, who studied the animals.
Translation: the monkeys started doing shit. But how?
Why the dopamine receptors? I associate dopamine with stimulants. Maybe the other person who reads this blog can explain this to me. I do know that SSRI -selective seratonin reuptake inhibitors- work in a similar way; they block surplus seratonin from the receptors me thinks.
-Until next time, much love my peeps
dopamine: the pain and pleasure hormone, for in desire indeed there is pain sometimes. And in pleasure too (Sade). Dopamine pushes us to adopt a reward-hunting behavior. Too much dopamine, and we are at risk of schizophrenia. Not enough dopamine, and it's Parkinson's disease.
Neurotransmitters that produce dopamine only represent 0.3% of the braincells. So few braincells, so much brainless
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